Ukemi's David Banks talks to Parkour Outreach about the #railmarathon

Nina Ballantyne, one of Parkour Outreach's directors, sits down with David Banks, the mastermind behind the #railmarathon to talk art, parkour and how many climb-ups it would take to reach the stratosphere. We edited the worst ones out, but there are a couple of mild swears so a PG rating is advised.

The rail marathon fundraiser for Free Your Instinct and Soul Parkour is still live and can be found HERE:

If you want to hear more about how David's coping with lockdown, his thoughts on Eddie Hall and more about Ukemi, the company he co-founded, check out the full interview here:

Ukemi, which designs and makes all things parkour - including The Movement Card, a collaboration with Parkour Outreach - can be found HERE:

Read the blogs that David and Danny wrote about their experience of donating a mile to the #railmarathon HERE:

Want to stay active and connected to other parkour people during lockdown? Check out our community collection of live online training classes and jams from all over the world here:

Stay safe.