coach europe

Video by Eddy Kutschera:

A 3-day gathering for parkour coaches across Europe. Starting in Edinburgh and moving to a different European city each year. In 2022 Coach Europe went to Helsinki and in 2023 Valencia will be hosting.

The event evolves every year but it always involves training together, making new connections, sharing ideas, and learning from each other. The inaugural Coach Europe in 2019 was one of the first events of its kind in Europe.

The idea came from a member of our local Edinburgh Parkour community and we are so happy to have brought this idea to life.

coach europe 2023

Coach Europe 2023 will take place in Valencia, hosted by Motion Academy, in collaboration with Parkour Outreach, The Finnish Parkour Association (Coach Europe 2022 hosts). This is the first time the event has come to Southern Europe, and will be an opportunity to test and help shape new ideas in a nurturing environment.

An image of people perched on top of a structure. There is a dark turquoise tint over the image, with the words "save the date" in the top left hand corner and the words "September 29th to October 1st" in the centre of the image.

coach europe 2022

Coach Europe 2022 was held in Helsinki, Finland, August 19th-21st, hosted by Parkour Akatemia and organised by the Finnish Parkour Association. It was three days of sharing and development for parkour coaches and parkour community members from all over the continent and beyond.

coach europe 2019

In October 2019, Parkour Outreach gathered local and international parkour coaches, students and local community members in Edinburgh, Scotland for two and a half days of sharing ideas and training together. 

We wanted to provide a new space for people to make connections - with each other, with new coaching concepts and for some, with a new part of the world.

coach europe Thanks and credit

Coach Europe is an ongoing collaboration between Parkour Outreach, the current host community and the previous year’s host community.

The Coach Europe concept was created by Kirsten Altenbach (@alba.kirsten). Coach Europe’s logo was designed by Ariella Abolaffio (@ariella.doodles). Kirsten and Brandon Sandén (@brandonleeframes) captured the photographs used across this website and social media of the first ever Coach Europe. Brandon’s photography work can be found on his website at the following link:

Our thanks to Kirsten, Ariella and Brandon, and to the previous hosts and sponsors of Coach Europe: