Balance Marathon #2

On Mental Health Week (10-16 May 2021), Ukemi Project got the global parkour community to come together to balance to equivalent of the Nullarbor Straight – one of the longest straight roads in the world that stretches 146.6km (91 miles).  The aim of the challenge was to raise awareness of mental health and to raise funds for two mental health charities – Free Your Instinct and Parkour Visions. You can find out more about Ukemi and their other work at the following link:

Needless to say – the 146.6km had been absolutely smashed by the global parkour community. The total distance is currently at 228km and there are more distances still to be submitted!

You can donate via the Ukemi GoFundMe page:


Our contribution

Last year, in the first Ukemi Project Balance Marathon, 28 people from across the world walked on a rail to contribute towards an overall goal of 26.2 miles. Gordon and Daniel took part in this challenge and you can read more about their experiences in these blog posts: Gordon blog Daniel blog.

Parkour Outreach were delighted to be one of the event partners to support the event this year. Overall, the team managed to accumulate just under 17.5km towards the overall goal (with the assistance of Richard Sue!).

Here are some thoughts from the team:

Nina: As someone who’s not been training much through a combo of injury, lockdown and fluctuating mental health, it was the most parkour training I’d done in a couple months and I loved it. I always find something satisfying and restorative about balance related challenges and this was a good reminder of that. Although I was surprised how much I would get distracted just by people walking by! I don’t think that would’ve bothered me before but we’ve probably all got a bit more wary and hyperconscious of other people in your space.

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Daniel: Let’s be honest, walking 5 kilometres in general is often tough enough let alone the absolute challenge that is walking 5 kilometres while balanced on a railing. Despite this, the experience proved to be enjoyable and realistic while also providing a sense of community that isn’t always common with charity events. The chosen activity was perfectly symbolic of the struggle that some folk cope with in regards to their mental health and I can’t wait for next year’s marathon.

Gordon: Completing 5km of rail balancing was physically exhausting and mentally draining. The mental battle was the toughest part – I went through sporadic bursts of frustration and doubt sporadically between moments of calm. Eventually, I managed to stay focused and calm. Instead of focusing on the end goal of 5km, I focused taking one step at a time, and keeping my breathing consistent. I’m also incredibly grateful that Danny and Richard were walking 5km alongside me – it made a big difference!  


What’s next?

It’s been amazing to see the global parkour community rising up to the challenge and raising awareness for mental health. The original target has been smashed and the event  has come a long way since the 26 miles last year! What will Balance Marathon #3 bring? Either way. We’re looking forward to it!

If you’re thinking of organising a similar event – we’d love to hear from you and support where we can.  

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